I love reading! And I love sharing about the things I've read. Especially when it comes to health. One of the books I've been sharing about was "Wheat Belly". Written by Dr. William Davis, MD, a cardiologist from Wisconsin. I learned of his book after seeing a youtube video of him speaking at a conference; it's very interesting and informative. I highly recommend you take the time to watch it at your convinience. Dr. William had many interesting things to say in the video that influenced me to buy his book. The brief history of different varieties of wheat, the components of it, it's ill effects and the not so beneficial effects of gluten free products.
I am not one to impose on anyone to be grain/wheat free, when I myself on occassion have a grain or wheat product, but only on occasion. Once in a while I'll have a croissant, fried chicken strips or Taco. I won't have it on a daily basis. I've also chosen to minimize my consumption of gluten/grains for my own health reasons and I have seen improvements. But, when I'm out at a cafe ejoying an espresso or americano I'll allow myself to indulge, without feeling guilty, in a pastry while sitting down reading a book, and this would happen once or twice a month. So watch the video and read the book for more information, and with that knowledge decide on how you want to make changes for the improvement or enhancement of your own health. I make myself available to you for further discussion on this topic, or guidance on the topic of health. This is to help you start your journey in the right direction, or to just reference. I believe in having control over my health, and I want to promote wellness for every individual and the key to that is education, teaching, sharing and spreading that knowledge. In our society we live in ignorance of health, and fear of diseases, but I'd rather live in the knowledge and empowerment of understanding that I am health. The absence of health is due to imbalance of our internal systems: digestive system, immune system, nervous system etc., so I want to learn how to bring them into balance, and to discover what it was that led me onto this obscured path. Join me on a new path of discovery to the truth of health!
Here is another video that had greatly inspired me affecting my perception and views of the life we live. It caused me to reflect deeply about the things I've been taught to believe, and to re-evaluate my understanding of what truth is. This lecture of Bruce Lipton is one of many influences that helped me to understand the values that had shaped me into the person I once was and to choose a different path to return to who I have so longed to be and was destined to be. Take the time to sit and watch the whole video or in parts so that you may digest the information that Bruce Lipton has to share. Here is a video that was shared with me in May. Alan Watts is a British-born philosopher, writer and speaker. In this short inspiring video Alan Watts spoke to my inner longing of living out my desires. To see things from a different perspective, re-evaluating my perspectives, and questioning my priorities. I was challenged to face my fears beyond which my desires lay. The Universe opened my eyes to the possibilities and the support that was already available to me, waiting for my decision to take the step forward into the unknown. And now I am growing my own massage practice, feeling Happy and Free to serve on my own terms.
AuthorAndrew Flojo is a massage practitioner who sincerely enjoys helping others learn how to trust in the natural wisdom of the body. Archives
January 2014
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